Due to an interior water leak on 1/23/25 caused by the recent extreme cold, the Johnstown Flood Museum ONLY is temporarily closed. Thankfully, nothing of historic significance was affected. As of 2/4, the water remediation team has concluded their work, and we are moving on to repainting, floor refinishing, and replacement of carpet and soundproofing materials. We fully expect to reopen by early spring. In the meantime, we apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we work to remediate and repair our beloved flagship museum.

The Heritage Discovery Center/Johnstown Children’s Museum is unaffected and operating normal business hours. Welcome!

Course Information

Details about the course

Chip timing is being provided this year by Falcon Race Timing of Northumberland, PA. Results will be available shortly after the race at Falcon’s website, linked above. Results will also be posted on this website.

Register online here

Aid Stations
Each aid station will provide porta-johns, water, electrolyte replenisher, gels, bananas and/or oranges, located in the following areas for each race:

14 miler

  • Start area – (water, replenisher, portajohns)
  • Mile 3.2 – South Fork (water, replenisher, portajohns)
  • Mile 6.5 – Staple Bend Tunnel Parking Area (water, replenisher, portajohns)
  • Mile 9.0 – Coy/McCombie Link (water, replenisher)
  • Mile 11.2 – Strank Bridge Underpass (water, replenisher, portajohns, oranges, bananas, pickles, tomatoes, cucumbers with salt)
  • Mile 13.0 – Hope Tunnel (water, replenisher, oranges, bananas)

8 miler

  • Start Area – Staple Bend Tunnel Parking Area (water, replenisher, portajohns)
  • Mile 2.5 – Coy/McCombie Link (water, replenisher)
  • Mile 4.7 – Strank Bridge Underpass (water, replenisher, portajohns, oranges, bananas, pickles, tomatoes, cucumbers with salt)
  • Mile 6.5 – Hope Tunnel (water, replenisher, oranges, bananas)


  • Start Area – Strank Bridge Underpass (water, replenisher, portajohns, oranges, bananas, pickles, tomatoes, cucumbers with salt)
  • Mile 1.2 – Hope Tunnel (water, replenisher, oranges, bananas)

Course Terrain

14 miler. The 2025 14 Miler course will be nearly all crushed gravel (rails to trails) surfaces from its beginnings at the base of the dam ruins with lengths of pavement to connect them. Although the flood waters of the Little Conemaugh Rive all ran “downhill,” there will be portions of the course that will ascend to accommodate the trail’s adaptation to terrain. Of note, climbs around the 0.25 mile mark and then from the Stineman section of the trail leading to and beyond the first mile, the west side of Staple Bend Tunnel on the Coy/McCombie Link and the Trolley Line extension from East Conemaugh to Woodvale Heights at Mile 11.5!

8 miler. The 8 Miler course is roughly a fifty-fifty combination of crushed gravel (rails to trails) and paved road surfaces. Runners will have a smooth start to and through the Staple Bend Tunnel before a healthy, but short, series of climbs to regain the hillside before heading into the halfway mark. The 5K description applies for the remainder of the course.

5k.  The 5k race will start in East Conemaugh and traverse the recently completed Trolley Line extension from East Conemaugh to Woodvale Heights. This shaded trail will challenge all participants with a steady, shaded climb on one of Johnstown’s historic trolley cut outs, a flat traverse with never-before-seen views of town and the surrounding area, and a challenging switchback ascent to Woodvale Heights. After passing through the “Hope Tunnel,” the course will intercept Clinton Street at Mile 2.0, continue on to Washington Street, cross the Walnut Street Bridge where the finish line will be in sight. 

Marked Course

The course will be marked for 2025 with our signature water droplets, arrow signage, mile markers, orange traffic cones and fencing as needed.

Medical Aid
There will be EMT support at the 8 miler start/Mile 6 of the 14 miler at the Staple Bend Tunnel parking lot and at the 5K start. There will also be EMT/medical support at the race finish. Each aid station will have basic first aid materials, Vaseline, etc.

2024 POTF courses

This map shows the revised courses for 2024.