Due to an interior water leak on 1/23/25 caused by the recent extreme cold, the Johnstown Flood Museum ONLY is temporarily closed. Thankfully, nothing of historic significance was affected. As of 2/4, the water remediation team has concluded their work, and we are moving on to repainting, floor refinishing, and replacement of carpet and soundproofing materials. We fully expect to reopen by early spring. In the meantime, we apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we work to remediate and repair our beloved flagship museum.

The Heritage Discovery Center/Johnstown Children’s Museum is unaffected and operating normal business hours. Welcome!

Online Tour

Learn through play about Johnstown and its culture.

The Sidney & Rae Goldblatt Johnstown Children’s Museum features a variety of hands-on, interactive exhibits that allow kids to learn through play about Johnstown’s geography, history, culture, ecology, industry and more. It’s located on the third floor of the Heritage Discovery Center.

The Inclimber

The climber is a huge reproduction of Yoder Hill, including mine tunnels to climb high toward the ceiling. Inside the “mine,” kids will have the opportunity to dress up like coal miners, including hard hats with lights, orange vests, and (plastic) coal picks! An experienced coal miner will talk to you about safety, exhibits about the kinds of rocks found in a mine, and “talking artifacts” — including a miner’s lunch pail. Watch out for the talking mine rats! When you reach the top, take a “coal shute” slide down, where you’ll land in a padded coal car that’s full of “coal.”The Inclimber also features a replica of the Inclined Plane — go into the red control house to make it go up and down the hill!

The Water Room

Most of the water room’s exhibits allow children to play with water, for hands-on learning about concepts like dam-building, municipal plumbing, rain in mountains and valleys, acid rain, and native fish. Hand dryers will help kids dry off after the fun.

Free play areas

The museum features several areas with big blocks, Lego building bricks, and wooden trains for free play.

The Career Corner

New in December 2019! The Career Corner, sponsored by Conemaugh/Duke LifePoint, is an interactive play area that allows kids to explore different career directions. Dress-up clothes, activity areas, and a special doctor’s office are all part of the fun!

The Wentzscope

New in 2020! This exciting addition to the Conemaugh Duke/LifePoint Career Corner allows even the youngest children to explore the world of microscopy. The Wentzscope is a sturdy microscope specifically designed for museum installations. It features a large eyepiece at the top, so that more than one child can see at a time. Five specimens are mounted on non-breakable plexiglass, and viewers adjust a knob to focus on each specimen.

JAHA gratefully acknowledges the following funds at the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies for making this installation possible: William L. Glosser Family Fund; Benjamin Bosler Fund; Jeanne Allen Memorial Fund; and Daniel & Marcia Glosser Memorial Fund.

City Works

Try your hand at laying out a city in the hills, using special tables that reflect Johnstown’s topography and models of houses, industrial buildings, landmarks and more.

The Kitchen

A play kitchen, complete with displays of historic kitchen equipment like an antique coffee grinder! Kids can “cook” and experience some of the special food traditions of this region through a fun free play area.

The Kitchen Table

Pick one of three ethnic dishes to “serve” on this special kitchen table, and a projection is shown — you’ll eavesdrop on the family’s conversation, and see what else they’re having for dinner.

The General Store

Kids are given a “paycheck” and invited to shop for what they need — will they have enough money to purchase everything? Be a shopper or a cashier and practice your math skills!

The Living Room

This newest section of the museum was completed in 2024! This 1940s-era living room has a radio with different programs to listen to, a display of family photos of Johnstowners from generations past, games, artifact exhibits and more.

Made possible by generous support from Somerset Trust, funding from the family of Dr. Sidney Goldblatt, and general donations to the museum.

The Steel Mill Manager Game

One of several features in the steel mill area is this game for two — see who does the best job managing a steel mill by keeping all the jobs filled during every shift! Wait, it’s a lot harder than it looks. . .

The Mix-Master Studio

Mix your own “Johnstown soundtrack” using sounds, music and rhythms. Each button on the console adds music, sounds of industry, sounds at home, nature sounds, and just about any sound you might find “hear in Johnstown!”

The Fashion Show

Kids can use a touchscreen to mix and match outfits from the 1700s, 1800s and 1900s; when they’re done, a computer-generated figure “walks” out onto a projection screen wearing the outfit they’ve chosen. Kids can then choose matching dress-up clothes and walk out on a lit runway themselves!

The Steel Mill

The steel industry has played a vital role in Johnstown’s past and present. In this section of the museum, kids can try their hand at making pattern molds, roleplay being the boss or worker with costumes, and more.