Due to an interior water leak on 1/23/25 caused by the recent extreme cold, the Johnstown Flood Museum ONLY is temporarily closed. Thankfully, nothing of historic significance was affected. As of 2/4, the water remediation team has concluded their work, and we are moving on to repainting, floor refinishing, and replacement of carpet and soundproofing materials. We fully expect to reopen by early spring. In the meantime, we apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we work to remediate and repair our beloved flagship museum.

The Heritage Discovery Center/Johnstown Children’s Museum is unaffected and operating normal business hours. Welcome!

Birthday Parties at the Museum

Celebrate your child's birthday at the Johnstown Children's Museum!

Looking for a great place to have your child’s birthday party? Join us at the Sidney & Rae Goldblatt Johnstown Children’s Museum, and leave the party planning and cleanup to us!

Call (814) 539-1889 x309, or email us at mtracey [@] heritagejohnstown.org or using the form below for details, and pricing on the two packages below. Heritage Johnstown members (family level and up) get a discount — be sure to inquire!

    All birthday rentals include:

    • Use of the private party room for two hours
    • Complimentary admission to the Heritage Discovery Center and all its amenities, including the Johnstown Children’s Museum
    • Chips, water, and a mixed punch
    • Party attendant available for your entire party

    Discovery Party

    Your birthday rental includes:

    • Non-members $18, Heritage Johnstown members $15 per person
    • Party room decorated with basic decorations, tablecloths, and paper products

    Adventure Party

    Your birthday rental includes:

    • Non-Members $23,Heritage Johnstown members $20 per person
    • Pizza provided
    • Party room is customized for your choice of theme: Dinosaur, Lego, Cat & Dog, Horses/Western, Game Time (sports), Pirate, Flower Power, Sesame Street, Mermaid, or Train

    Explore Party

    Your birthday rental includes:

    • Non- members $26, Heritage Johnstown members $23 per person
    • Pizza provided
    • Party room is customized for your choice of theme: Ice Cream (ice cream bar included) or Art Party (painting activity included).
    • A fun creation

    Food choices and add-ons 

    Discovery Pizza Add-on: $3 per person

    Food add-ons: (Prices depend on cost and number of guests)

    • veggie trays
    • fruit trays
    • salad
    • sub platters
    • chicken tenders

    Ice Cream Party add-on (to Discovery or Adventure parties): Chocolate or vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, sauces, cherries, and sprinkles with two additional toppings

    • $40 for 12 people
    • Add $15 for each additional 12 people
    • Add $3 for an additional topping


    Included in packages:

    • Water
    • A punch selection: lemonade or fruit punch

    Soda, bottled water, drink boxes, or juice can be added at extra cost.

    Birthday parties

    Here are a few shots of our private party room, ready for a themed birthday!